10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Alle kamptråde fra sæsonen 2020/2021

Redaktører: Guardiola, Wennerberg

Indlæg: 10180
Tilmeldt: fre apr 13, 2012 12:11 am
Har takket: 111 gange
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Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af Kubala »

Piquénbauer skrev:
søn apr 11, 2021 1:59 pm
Kubala skrev:
søn apr 11, 2021 1:55 pm
Ja, det må vi desværre gøre. Det er bare ikke godt nok at have så lave forventninger, imo. Der er vi meget forskellige.
Det er ikke lave forventninger. Lave forventninger var hvis jeg håbede på cl deltagelse. At spille med om alle titler er et krav for alle tophold imo men direkte at kræve titler er forbeholdt de klart bedste hold. Og det er vi altså ikke.
Men man er ikke dårligere end konkurrenterne. Og man er et af de klart bedste hold i ligaen. Måske ikke blandt top 4-5 i Europa, men klart i ligaen.

Indlæg: 25483
Tilmeldt: ons nov 25, 2009 3:21 pm
Har takket: 378 gange
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Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af Piquénbauer »

Jep og derfor skal vi kæmpe med om ligaen - som vi gør. Men vi er ikke det klart bedste hold i ligaen som feks Bayern og psg. Deres fans kan imo kræve en ligatitel.

Men altså vi er ude i småting. Jeg ville ikke fyre Koeman efter denne sæson. Og det siger jeg på trods af at jeg ville sparke ham ud af klubben i vinters. Han er god for processen og jeg ser ingen grund til at satse og muligvis få en træner ind der feks ikke spiller de unge.

Hvis det er for Xavi så er jeg dog klar.
¡Madrid cabrón, saluda al campeón!

Indlæg: 10180
Tilmeldt: fre apr 13, 2012 12:11 am
Har takket: 111 gange
Blevet takket: 393 gange

Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af Kubala »

Lad os se, hvad der sker og hvordan denne sæson slutter. Der har vi alle forhåbentligt bedre fornemmelse af tingene.

Indlæg: 397
Tilmeldt: lør dec 05, 2020 6:43 pm
Har takket: 13 gange
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Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af Mésqueunclub »

Piquénbauer skrev:
søn apr 11, 2021 2:06 pm
Jep og derfor skal vi kæmpe med om ligaen - som vi gør. Men vi er ikke det klart bedste hold i ligaen som feks Bayern og psg. Deres fans kan imo kræve en ligatitel.

Men altså vi er ude i småting. Jeg ville ikke fyre Koeman efter denne sæson. Og det siger jeg på trods af at jeg ville sparke ham ud af klubben i vinters. Han er god for processen og jeg ser ingen grund til at satse og muligvis få en træner ind der feks ikke spiller de unge.

Hvis det er for Xavi så er jeg dog klar.
Syntes måske han skal have lidt mere trænererfaring før vi giver ham et tophold at træne.

Indlæg: 9532
Tilmeldt: man sep 18, 2017 3:30 pm
Har takket: 1012 gange
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Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af Antimadridista »

Med tanke på i sommers...2-8. Åreladning. Messi problematikken. Sæsonstarten. Valget. Økonomien osv!!!!

Så er det vildt at vi kunne have åbnet et 5 points gab til Real her midt i april. Det ville næsten have været for meget.

Er også enig i at titel krav i år, er i overkanten, men chancen var der i går og det er selvfølgelig ikke slut endnu.

Indlæg: 1317
Tilmeldt: man aug 31, 2020 9:09 pm
Blevet takket: 219 gange

Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af Madameskrald »

Koeman bør absolut ikke udskiftes med hvem som helst - men hvis man har headhuntet den helt rigtige profil, så har hans trods alt vist tilpas lidt til, at man kan overveje et tronskifte.

Forstå mig ret - han har bragt mange rigtige fine ting i hans tid på posten, men det spillemæssige udtryk kunne fortsat være mere afpudset. Det er tydeligt ovenpå en kamp som i går, at mekanismerne ikke er på plads. Det fundament, man skal falde tilbage på, når spillet ikke flyder, er simpelthen sårbart. Samtidig virker det lidt pudsigt, at Koeman tilsyneladende blev taget med bukserne nede taktisk i går (han burde have haft øjnene åbne for, at RM ovenpå en hård midt uge kamp pH med en aldrende midtbane + sårbar defensiv ikke havde de store offensive intentioner).

Busq, de Jong, Messi og Pedri har imøvrigt alle evnerne til at spille one touch bold, men det er ligesom kontrollen bliver prioriteret. På den ene side ganske forståeligt, når strukturen har sejlet, men jeg har trods alt begrænset tiltro til, hvor langt Koeman rent faktisk kan rykke holdet.

Puig havde ikke flyttet noget i går... hvem skulle han have sat i scene? Dembele havde ikke bagrum, og Messi var mandsopdækket. Koeman havde læst kampen forkert, og Puig havde rendt rundt lige så rådvild som de øvrige.

Indlæg: 10180
Tilmeldt: fre apr 13, 2012 12:11 am
Har takket: 111 gange
Blevet takket: 393 gange

Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af Kubala »

Hvor meget erfaring havde Pep? Hvor meget havde Zidane? Pep en sæson på Barca B. Zidane to sæsoner i Real Castilla. Xavi har været træner for Al Sadd siden maj 2019. Og hvor meget mere erfaring skal han have? 3-4-5-6 år endnu? Og er det garanti for noget?

Jeg tænker, at enten har man det eller har man det ikke.

Indlæg: 4542
Tilmeldt: tirs feb 23, 2021 9:52 pm
Har takket: 774 gange
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Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af EasyBuddhist »

Jeg synes ikke, et mesterskabskrav er højt sat. Man skal sætte baren højt og specielt, med den måde, sæsonen har udspillet sig på. Barca burde vinde mesterskabet, med den form og den position de er i. Det er altså ikke halvtids professionelle, der løber rundt derinde, men derimod nogle af de højest betalte stjerner, der har kostet en røvfuld penge. De burde præstere bedre og spillet burde være langt, langt bedre.
Og, Joshu var zen, og Nansen var Zen og Joshu spurgte, hvad er vejen? Og, Nansen svarede, vejen er hver dags liv og Joshu sagde, det vil jeg så studere. Og, Nansen svarede, så kommer du straks meget langt væk fra den

Indlæg: 10180
Tilmeldt: fre apr 13, 2012 12:11 am
Har takket: 111 gange
Blevet takket: 393 gange

Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af Kubala »

Med Messi på holdet burde der hvert sæson stilles krav om ligatitel. Kig bare på hans tal sidste sæson. Og det var en sæson, som eftersigende skulle være en Messi dårlig sæson ifølge nogle mennesker. Sidste sæson i ligaen scorede Messi 25 mål og lavede 22 assist i ca. 32 liga kampe pr. 90. min. spillet.

Det er et hold bestående af mia. køb og store stjerner, så ja, kravene burde være høje. Når man ikke leverer resultater i Barca i form af titler, så får man sparket. Det er bare vilkårene, men altså, vi ser forskelligt på det.

Indlæg: 9532
Tilmeldt: man sep 18, 2017 3:30 pm
Har takket: 1012 gange
Blevet takket: 967 gange

Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af Antimadridista »

Jeg ville hjertens gerne have fået point i går, lige meget hvordan og lige meget hvor ufortjent det måtte have været, når nu muligheden pludselig var der, imod al tidligere logik!
Men syntes nogle folk er meget utålmodige med hvad man kan forvente på dette stadie ift spil og titler.

Indlæg: 25483
Tilmeldt: ons nov 25, 2009 3:21 pm
Har takket: 378 gange
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Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af Piquénbauer »

We are going to take #LaLupa from a classic that had everything and in which we saw two very different parts ... although with the same background. Much to comment. Let's go there.

We are going to put more focus on the first half than on the second, especially because it was tactically richer despite the fact that the second was more fun, but it was much more open and responded more to emotional / mental questions than football.

Reviewing the game I have a strange feeling. Real Madrid imagined a game that did happen but with more errors than I saw live, especially in positional defense. The first half he was able to run less than he wanted despite going 2-0. I will explain.

Barça is that it is a team with some errors that, no matter how much it has improved, that it has, very difficult to cover. A very poor transition, losses that leave the team open and a Koeman who was slow to correct even though he did.

How did Real Madrid defend?
Pressure almost on the man, in an initial 3x3 that forced the FCB to play long and, once the FCB was installed, the RM prioritized the steal in the center lane, always covering those receptions.
There were two winning details from Zidane.

The first was Fede's position, almost like a lane, always covering Alba and denying that pass, which is almost everything at FCB, and the other was Vini's role, always in intermediate zones, never closing his band, prepared to punish loss.

But here we enter into what I was saying: The 2-0 is a piece of result, but RM got a lot out of balance and FCB found VERY clear situations in attack. Look at that mismatch in pressure. Messi receives completely alone in "his zone of him".

Live Zidane's plan seemed to me to be successful, but reviewing it gives me the feeling that the white players were right and the Catalans did not. The white structure gave Barça many advantages to reach 3/4 and from there the Catalans were turned off.

There was hardly that white pressure, motivated by fatigue and because ZZ prioritized the robbery + transition, but the FCB found very clear situations like this

Yet another in which the RM is out of adjustment. Fede and Lucas go, but nobody accompanies them. Pedri finds Messi completely alone and FCB is planted in the rival area with almost nothing.

I read many criticisms of Pedri and sharing his mistake in the last gesture I encourage you to watch the 1T again. There is no play that does not improve, a situation that does not dominate. He left filtered passes, drops and very TOP supports and was undetectable. If Barça reached the rival area it was for him and Leo.

Another one from Pedri for Messi. Notice how the cnary attracts Casemiro, Kroos swings and a succulent space is generated that Leo usually punishes. Of those 5/6 receptions, Messi bills you a minimum. Yesterday it did not happen.

I am attaching another screenshot, so you can see that it is true. Pedri and Messi connected and put the defense of RM in trouble. With Dembélé setting the centrals and Casemiro jumping, that area "was empty." The Barça did not take advantage of any. And that is paid.

What would we say if Messi takes advantage of a couple of those? What a classic piece of Pedri, display, blah blah. Soccer in the end is very elusive, and our memory should not be when judging players. Performance should not be tied to result.

Fede Valverde's goal is incredible, in every way. Let's go see it. Look where Fede starts from, from his area (!!)
FCB has a controlled situation and Alba jumps where he shouldn't; one more mistake on your account
That jump leaves the area sold because it moves Lenglet away from it

And in that goal, for me, the whole game is condensed. Zidane knows that he has a player who is capable of defending Alba and attacking his back at the same time ^^. That is, 2x1. And on top of that, he knows that that side with Lenglet (slow) and Alba (tends to brand errors) is a candy. Success.

I commented before the game about the tremendous challenge for Araújo to face Benzema and the Frenchman won the game. The goal is the first sample, but it left plays from distant supports that ... are impressive. He orders by messing up the rival.

Araújo is still very young and has a physique that allows him to dominate without thinking too much. But Karim, as Abel Rojas said one day, is an intellectual challenge. And there Ronald could not. KB asked him to dance, and the Uruguayan did not follow the rhythm.

The 2-0 is very similar to the first. "Cage" on Messi with Vinícius in intermediate zones
Kroos / Modric face to project the Brazilian
The RM had arrived twice and had checked in twice.

And here it is when it touches to stop in the positional attack of the FC Barcelona. The party asked, already in minute 15, to change something. FCB had a defense left over (RM let him play) and he lacked an attacker to open the field. The Barça was placed thus

The 3-5-2 was a mischief seeing the type of game that Zidane raised. Leaving Griezmann out was a very bad idea.
Lanes are not required in 1x1, the Rm can concentrate to close inside
OD of 9 does not have agility, the FCB lost many balls
De Jong away from the area

This situation seemed very defining to me when I saw it live why playing with 3 behind and one of them being Araújo was a bad idea. There is a very clear pass on De Jong to beat lines and the Uruguayan does not give it. He misses all the advantage.

The Barça, with the passage of the minutes and already 2-0 down, was attacking worse. Logical, but there Koeman should have changed by now. It was untenable to continue maintaining 3 defenders that prevented you from attacking worse and did not make you defend better. The RM stole away and stood close to nothing.

In this sequence that almost ends in 3-0 is Zidane's plan.
Fede closing as a lane avoids the pass to Alba
Robo and Karim dragging Mingueza and Araújo while Vini attacks space
Face modric = go into space
Fede reaching the other side

Karim Benzema was the best. By far. His game is a spectacle and without him, Zidane's plan does not exist. He is the one who makes Fede and Vinicius run directly or indirectly.

In the second half Barça adjusts. Back to 4-3-3 which means several things.
OD forces Vinícius to defend lower
De Jong gains height and weight while Griezmann allows Alba to grow by opening the door

Here you see what is shown in the animation. Vini had to work on Dembélé and that gave Barça more width and kept RM away from theft. Of course, if it happened it was more dangerous. The FCB closed with the centrals and with hardly any umbrellas.

Two more sequences in which the FCB manages to crack the second line of Real Madrid but without punishing that mismatch. In both the RM runs backwards, and in both the Barça is not very aggressive.

This one from Benzema blew me away, perhaps the most. Drag and with control + pass, leave the entire second line of FC Barcelona dry. It is hypnotic.

The second half opened because Barça was more aggressive in their possessions and became more disorganized, and RM had even more spaces. A cocktail that, after 2-1, increased. And in that scenario Koeman was right until he sacrificed Pedri to put more forwards and lose control.

Another one in which it goes from a clear attack by Barça to one against Madrid in just 3 seconds. Mingueza did not manage the surveillance well and despite winning sprints from Vini, he came out badly. The FCB was lucky that Vini was very bad.

Barça has the same basic problems as in September: it runs badly backwards and fails a lot. He has improved at the level of the game, he competes better, but with those two great defects it is very difficult that against a big rival you do not end up paying dearly.

The 2Q was marked by Odriozola / Asensio. Horrible defending Alba, unable to close that door. It is incredible that FCB did not get a goal from there. What was said in the previous tweet: the mistake is something chronic in this team.

MR fatigue was noticed in situations like this. Dembélé steals in his area and FCB comes out with a lot of advantage in this situation. Barça could only counterattack in the 2Q and did not take advantage of these sequences. Barça's goal is paradigmatic, because it arises perhaps from the most difficult play. A center that has up to three players in front of him, but ends up reaching where he should. It is something that happens to FCB this season. He marks the difficult and finds no refuge in the simple.

And to finish, comment that the impact of Ilaix is ​​brutal. Not so much in football as emotionally. In youth squad he has shown to have an impressive personality. The minutes of him were very stimulating.

He has a very precise timing to add presence in the rival area. Smell to know where and when and power to prevail. In just 20 minutes he left three shots, two almost ended in goal.

The same conclusions can be drawn as against PSG, although with a different background. This team can compete against anyone, but to win something is still missing. Even so, it must be understood that joining Mingueza, Dest, Araújo, Pedri, Ilaix, Trincao is not easy.

The game was full of errors. Real Madrid opened up a lot and Barça could do a lot of damage, but they didn't. Real Madrid stole away and Zidane knew how to place his pieces to move quickly. And they punished.

It's soccer.
God og lang analyse af kampen. Jeg har kørt den igennem translate så I ikke behøver!
¡Madrid cabrón, saluda al campeón!

Indlæg: 10180
Tilmeldt: fre apr 13, 2012 12:11 am
Har takket: 111 gange
Blevet takket: 393 gange

Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af Kubala »

Der er ikke sammenhæng i de der oversættelser. Man kan ikke læse teksten og forstå den. Kunne heller ikke sidst, hvor der var oversat. Dog et plus herfra for at forsøge at gøre det så læseligt som muligt.

Indlæg: 25483
Tilmeldt: ons nov 25, 2009 3:21 pm
Har takket: 378 gange
Blevet takket: 1605 gange

Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af Piquénbauer »

Slå den op ved siden af den spanske analyse. Så kan man læse dem “sammen”.
¡Madrid cabrón, saluda al campeón!

Indlæg: 11633
Tilmeldt: fre sep 28, 2012 6:23 pm
Har takket: 137 gange
Blevet takket: 954 gange

Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af A$AP »


https://www.cuatro.com/deportes/futbol/ ... 70101.html

Spansk fodbold medie når det er bedst.

Jeg ved ikke hvordan, men de får lov til at overhøre en samtale mellem Pique og Alba, som lyder;
Piqué: Calm down... We will win this Copa for sure
Alba: I don't know...
Piqué: What?
Alba: I don't know

Indlæg: 2267
Tilmeldt: tirs aug 25, 2020 4:25 pm
Har takket: 327 gange
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Re: 10/4 Real Madrid - FC Barcelona

Indlæg af Filten »

Tidligere spansk topdommer har udtalt at der var straffe til MB.
Madrid dommere: José Hernández Maeso, Hernández Hernández, Martínez Munuera, Gil Manzano, Cesar Soto


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