Xavier Hernandez Creus

Trænere og klubbens ledelse

Redaktører: Guardiola, Wennerberg

Indlæg: 10723
Tilmeldt: ons dec 06, 2006 12:52 am
Geografisk sted: København
Har takket: 178 gange
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af zqa »

teemuss skrev:hvis i spørger mig er xavi manden der en dag skal afløse pep som træner i barcelona. :smile:
Nah. Xavi har på ingen måde samme lederegenskaber som dem Pep viste på banen, og som han nu viser som træner.

Indlæg: 3307
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 21, 2009 11:57 pm
Geografisk sted: København
Har takket: 938 gange
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af rummenigge »

zqa skrev:
teemuss skrev:hvis i spørger mig er xavi manden der en dag skal afløse pep som træner i barcelona. :smile:
Nah. Xavi har på ingen måde samme lederegenskaber som dem Pep viste på banen, og som han nu viser som træner.
Det er jeg ikke helt enig i. Som et eksempel var Xavi en af de få som ikke lavede fejl igår sådan som jeg husker det da jeg så kampen med en puls på 230 (!). Han hjalp enddog ekstra defensivt og havde nogle vigtige interceptions og holdte godt på bolden. Problemet var bare at hans medspiller smed bolden væk til højre og venstre hvilket var elendigt at se på og fremfor alt så var der INGEN kommunikation i forsvaret hvilket gør det svært for enhver.

Man skal ikke glemme at han var anføreren da vi vandt CHL og reelt mesterskabet sidste sæson. Ifht Pep så tror jeg Xavi han være effektiv i flere år end Pep var det. Det er kun skader som står i vejen for Xavi noget tyder på han kan forsætte til han bliver ældre end Scholes er nu.

Om han bliver en god træner er ikke til at vide, noget tyder på han er lige så taktisk og teknisk begavet som Pep når det kommer til fodbold. Tilgengæld er Peps inpirerende personlighed og evnen til at tackle medierne en stor force, og her ved vi ikke hvor god Xavi vil være.

Lige en tanke...

Luis E/Tarzan (Tarzan er jo som en bror for Luis E)

Puyol har ikke hår på sine testikler, da hår ikke gror på stål
- Chuck Norris


6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af Blaugrana97 »

Xavi/Ini :smile:

Indlæg: 7321
Tilmeldt: man dec 05, 2011 1:01 pm
Geografisk sted: Frederiksværk
Har takket: 1925 gange
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af Dytrax »

Og Messi skal helst spille indtil han er 80!

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Xavi’s legacy and the future of Barça’s midfield
Posted at: 00:00 on Friday, January 27, 2012 Category: Opinion Pieces Written by: Maria Ines
Xavi’s legacy and the future of Barça’s midfield

Just after turning 32 years old, we can say Xavi is not only a crucial player for Barça, but also one of those players that could be called a legend. His impressive achievements, such as being the player with the most games played for Barça (607, counting the latest Clásico) and winning the most trophies, puts him right next to the likes of Kubala, Ramallets, or Cruyff. Yes, that kind of legend.

Unlike all those other huge names and players who are mythical for culés and have their own place in football history, I would say that Xavi’s biggest contribution to this team is not related to statistics. It does not have to do with the impressive amount of games he has been involved in since Louis Van Gaal called him up at 18 years old. It is also not his involvement in the 3 Champions League, 6 La Liga titles, 5 Spanish Supercups, 2 European Supercups and 2 Club World Cups that he has won over his 20+ years in the club. It has to do with a much more lasting legacy: football. Pure and simple football.

But why am I writing about this? I guess it is due to his birthday. He is 32 now and that is, inevitably, an age when I, as a fan, have watched some of my favourite players’ careers go downhill. To lose their magic, or just fade away, giving up to the passage of time. A natural process for a career that starts soon and ends too damn soon too. So it was natural for me to start wondering, with no certain answer at the moment, what will happen when he is not there anymore. I also happen to be at a moment of introspection, considering how various people, at different ages and in different occupations, are destined to leave an imprint to the ones following behind.

I have to say that, when I think of Barça post-Xavi, a blank space runs through my mind. I know that there will be an answer, there will be an alternative, but it is not something I can picture for the moment. I think I might not even be prepared for it and prefer to think, in order to not become deeply despairing, that that scenario will not happen for many years.

But it will, eventually. And after one more year enjoying the art that the best midfielder in the world displays every time he plays, I know for certain that a diffuse future is coming, a future where he might not be there, holding our midfield, the heart of our football. What will happen at that point? Will Pep have discovered by then the answer to the big question of Xavi’s replacement? Will our football go to another direction, an orphan of its maestro? Will we keep seeing our team managing games? Or will we divert into a more vertical, direct side?

Martí Perarnau has been trying to explain some problems Barça has encountered recently. He has rightly stated that in games such as against Espanyol, the first part of the 1-3 Clásico, and some part of the game against Betis, it seemed like Pep wanted to get more people in midfield using Cesc, but that he still deploys a direct football not totally adapted to our style. This has resulted in losing possession too soon, and forgetting to give Xavi total control of the game. The team seemed to go too fast, and Xavi was left behind. Perarnau even states that using Cesc in midfield might be related to the fact that he, one day, should be the one in charge of leading this team from midfield. This means he will need to adapt to Barça’s characteristics (very different from a counter-attacking British side) but this will also require Barça to adapt to him, using all his qualities and maybe getting into a more vertical style of football. For the moment, as the analyst reports, the trials have not been successful, as the ball is lost too quickly and the recovery has been more difficult with men in wider positions on the field. As soon as Xavi was in the scene again, things got back to normal. Two comebacks at the Santiago Bernabéu, one against Betis in a crucial game. The one against Espanyol however, might have come a bit too late in the game.

I read once somewhere that Xavi could not be named the best player in the world because he has only cultivated Barça’s style of football, and that style was not the only way of playing football. True, but the writer forgot to say that Barça does not only play pretty, and that it is also a side that has won many things. Winners are remembered, teams that only play nice are not. But a team that wins trophies and also plays beautiful football creates a long lasting memory. We all remember Holland from ’74 and ’78 World Cups as one of the best sides in history (though they didn’t win), yet nobody remembers the Italian national team that won the World Cup in 2006. Winning in style is possible thanks to Xavi’s influence on the field: possession, patience, playing one-touch (mid-touch, ‘mig toc’ as Xavi likes to say), not letting the rival touch the ball. That is the meaning of absolute domination on a football field. And that is exactly what Xavi has mastered in turning the midfield from a passing area to the most important part in a football team. And that will be his legacy.

Vicenç Villatoro, a writer and journalist from Terrasa, wrote that Xavi added glamour to a zone in football that never had it. In his piece “Eulogy to the midfield” for the book The time when we never lose (Cuando nunca perdíamos, Alfaguara, Ed., 2011), the midfield is not heroic. It has no glamour like the forward positions, those that could define a game with a great goal. It doesn’t have the heroic sense of a central defender that stopped a counter attack all by himself (like Mascherano against Arsenal), or the crucial figure of a goal keeper. That is not possible to find in a midfield, a piece that many teams oversee and don’t even use. It is still, however, a vital part of a team that, whether some want it or not, is making history. Or history in the making if you want. A team ruled by the midfield, by Xavi as the orchestra director, and that has the football world still wondering how to take the ball off of them.

So there it is, what I think will be Xavi’s biggest legacy at Barça: the midfield as a concept and also as a working machine inside the team. Having a strong midfield involves being intelligent rather than just strong, being sharp, attentive, and extremely generous with each other. Those are also the values that Barça proclaim as their own on the football field.
It is hard to know (and hard to think about) who will take Xavi’s place on ruling Barça’s midfield in the future. Will it be Thiago with his immense talent? Will it be Cesc with his sharp mind and deep game? Will Pep convert Sergio Busquets into the attack? Or will it be Sergi Roberto, with his still immature yet promising vision, that will rule Barça’s midfield for years to come? Only time will tell. The only thing I know is the midfield has become the trend as the most important part in a football team. Everyone is trying to play the Barça way by strengthening the midfield. And only a legend like Xavi could have changed football his way, and impose his way on the rest, trophy after trophy, pass after pass.

Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 336
Tilmeldt: søn maj 02, 2010 3:48 pm
Har takket: 22 gange
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af mathi »

http://ekstrabladet.dk/sport/fodbold/ud ... 698927.ece

Skidt af Xavi, og skidt at det bliver lækket..


Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af teemuss »

hvorfor det xavi siger jo bare sandheden,de er squ nogle dyr i Real Madrid pepe er syg i hovedet og hans træner ligeså
dejligt med en barca spiller der tør sige noget. :smile:

Indlæg: 336
Tilmeldt: søn maj 02, 2010 3:48 pm
Har takket: 22 gange
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af mathi »

Han må gerne have en mening, og han må gerne sige den, han skal bare formulere sig i ordentlige vendinger. Og så skal det ikke være meninger der kun kommer ud når han tror at kameraet ikke kører.

Indlæg: 2377
Tilmeldt: tirs okt 10, 2006 7:58 pm
Geografisk sted: Holbæk
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af klogfyr »

Det kunne da ellers lige passe, at efter alt det lort, real har lukket ud, så bliver det en af vores spillere, der bliver straffet.

Indlæg: 9573
Tilmeldt: søn mar 14, 2010 9:54 pm
Geografisk sted: Skivevej 27 lejlighed 3 9500 Hobro by Dk
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af Heartbreaker »

For mig gør det egentligt ikke noget, at der bliver snakket lidt dårligt om Real truppen fra vores spillere af. De har da været - som Xavi siger det - nogle dårlige tabere meget længe. Ser ingen grund til, at alle fra FC Barcelona skal gå rundt og snakke så ydmygt om dem, når det tydeligvis ikke er gengældt.
Vi skal ikke have Fnat lus lopper knuper adis eller grises til af andre folk de skal og bare lade jeg være i fred og ro for eller døder de lige på stedet med et af min fætter Klaus S Jensen skydevåben det er ikke for sjov det er skam meget alvorlig mendt

Lasse N
Indlæg: 212
Tilmeldt: tors jan 20, 2011 12:29 pm
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af Lasse N »

På tide at der er en der tager bladet fra munden overfor de usportslige jammerlige møgdyr, at han troede kameraet var slukket er så en anden ting.........

Indlæg: 1657
Tilmeldt: man apr 25, 2005 11:32 pm
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6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af Elbarca »

Næsten alle tænker det Xavi siger højt.

Der er en del ikke Real fan som kritiserer vores hold og spillere men for de fleste vedkommende virker det som som misundelse over at deres egne hold ikke formår den samme succes. Selv de mindste overdrivelser ved frispark beskyldes spillerne for skuespil.
Det er lidt sjovt når det er deres største argumenter for at Barca skulle være en usympatisk klub. Når man på den anden side ser Reals kujon agtige fodbold, deres psyko træner, voldelige spillere og desperate ledelse kan man kun grine. Det værste er at en tidligere så sympatisk spiller som Casillas nu virker som om han er i familie med mourinho. Pinligt og skammeligt, selv for Real madrid.


Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af teemuss »


så er det jo godt at RM ALDRIG kunne finde på den slags og deres træner slet ikke,de er så sympatiske og århhhh så fine i den klub.

Indlæg: 7321
Tilmeldt: man dec 05, 2011 1:01 pm
Geografisk sted: Frederiksværk
Har takket: 1925 gange
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af Dytrax »

Man skal ikke lade sig trække ned på idiotens niveau, for da vil han tæve dig med sin enorme erfaring. Ærgeligt at Xavi skal "fanges" på den måde.

Indlæg: 11425
Tilmeldt: man jan 12, 2009 1:06 pm
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af JonasV »

Tænk at skrive:
Derfor er al spænding koncentreret om Real Madrid-sejrens størrelse og om José Mourinhos tilbagevenden til Estadio Santiago Bernabéu

- i en optakt til en kamp! Må denne side aldrig nogensinde synke så dybt (ikke at den er i fare for det, altså). Bare ...wow. Den arrogance. Hvor ville jeg dog elske hvis Nemesis bed dem hårdt i røven.


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