Xavier Hernandez Creus

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Redaktører: Guardiola, Wennerberg

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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af Bager »

Han burde modtage 10 piskeslag på ryg for ugerningen.
Visca el Barca

Indlæg: 21033
Tilmeldt: man okt 11, 2010 8:32 pm
Geografisk sted: Odense
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af FCBarcelonaChr »

Han burde modtage 10 piskeslag på hver evig eneste kropsdel.

Indlæg: 21033
Tilmeldt: man okt 11, 2010 8:32 pm
Geografisk sted: Odense
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af FCBarcelonaChr »

Hæhæ.. :smile:

Indlæg: 21033
Tilmeldt: man okt 11, 2010 8:32 pm
Geografisk sted: Odense
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af FCBarcelonaChr »

Xavi mod Osasuna:

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Et Interview med Xavi, interviewet er maaske lidt langt, men det er rigtig god laesning synes jeg. Man faar et endnu bedre indtryk af Xavi, som person og fodboldsspiller. Og hans kaerlighed til vores allesammens elskede klub skinner virkelig igennem. Til sidst, han udelukker ikke helt at blive traener for klubben en dag og gaa i Peps fodspor, spaendende, selvom han lige goer opmaerksom paa, at der er lang til at det maaske kan ske.
Xavi’s exclusive interview with Le Buteur
Posted at: 06:30 on Wednesday, January 4, 2012 Category: Interviews Written by: buj

Xavi’s exclusive interview with Le Buteur

totalBarca brings you the translation of an exclusive interview Xavi Hernandez gave to Algerian paper Le Buteur which was published a couple of days ago. This long interview will be divided into a two-part article. The original can be found here.

First and foremost, can you honestly tell us, what came to your mind when you heard that Algerian journalists were coming to interview you?

Honestly, I must confess I was a little surprised at first when Javier, who knows you well, informed me about it. I am honoured to have you here. It’s wonderful that people in Algeria have an interest in me. This might not have been possible without the prowess of Barcelona and the national team. Today, Barcelona is a well-admired team so it is with great pleasure that I meet you here.

Do you know you have so many fans in Algeria?

I must admit, no. I do know there are many admirers of Barça throughout the world and I guess there had to be some in Algeria, but I don’t think I should be admired at this point. It is an honour to know that Barcelona’s jerseys ​​with my name on the back are sold there.

It’s amazing how passion for football can unite people from all over the world. At least I’m sharing one thing with the Algerians: the love of the beautiful game. I ask them to continue enjoying the game of Barça and support us.

These Algerians, with whom you share a passion for the beautiful game, were very disappointed that you did not win the Ballon d’Or last year. What can you say to them?

Firstly, I want to thank them and tell them I’m trying to improve myself every day, doing my job properly, in order to earn the people’s trust. But today, there is a player who is above everyone else, called Leo Messi. This is a unique and extraordinary footballer. If Messi maintains his performance level, and if he manages to win a title with Argentina, he will probably be the best in the history of this sport. For me, being there, and being able to compete for the award up until the end is already a huge honour.

Obviously you are going to retire before Messi. How do you see him without your presence in Barça?

It’s true that I try to help him out on the pitch but in today’s game everyone is doing everything to make the game easier for the others, you do understand that, don’t you? It’s true that Leo needs me to get the best out of his performance on the pitch but he also needs Iniesta, Busquets and all the others. I too need Messi, Iniesta and the rest of them.

With Argentina, he may not have the same set up as there is in Barça, but they are also a great team. Really, Messi is unique, and for me, it’s a pleasure playing alongside him.

You are trying to be too modest there, even diplomatic. All the experts agree that you are the brain of the Barcelona and Spain national team…

I’ll admit that I have a very important role, but I’m also part of an extraordinary team. I am an important part of Barcelona and the Spanish team, and I enjoy playing this role, as difficult as it may be. That’s because, for the past three or four years, I have won many titles with my club and country. So I can understand why people want to see me win individual trophies such as the Ballon d’Or.

Unfortunately for me, there is a footballer currently playing at a much higher level. Messi is far above every other player on this planet. And it’s not diplomacy that made me say that.

Is there a next Xavi in la Masia?

Of course! It is the laws of life. There will be a new Xavi, perhaps an even better Xavi, because football, as in life, is constantly evolving. In the current team, there are already extraordinary players able to play my role properly, especially Cesc who joined us at the beginning of the season. Then there’s also Thiago, who I like a lot. Below him, Sergi Roberto is about to knock on the first team’s doors in at least another year’s time. Espinosa too is a very good footballer, and Thiago’s brother Rafael. FC Barcelona never has a shortage of talent and the day I’m gone, I will sleep well at night for I know Barça will continue to advance and win titles with or without me.

The Spanish tiki taka exposes the weaknesses of French trainings that is based on physicality. If one day an Algerian player, technically gifted but physically frail, comes to you, what advice would you give him?

I think talent is essential in football. So I would say to him that, in this sport, for sure talent is more important than physique. On a football pitch, it is the technical qualities of a player that always makes the difference, not his physical power.

Physical fitness is an important part too, but anyone can work on it. Technique and talent on the contrary are innate. You either have them or not. If you don’t have the talent, you can’t play football. Barça and Spain dismantle that kind of thinking with talent; not only can we play well, but we often manage to win too.

Personally, I suffered a period in my career because of my small size. In 2002, 2003, it was said that I could not play in midfield because you had to be physically strong to play there. I proved that this theory does not hold water. For me, Luis Aragones has been a pioneer in this field, an apostle of the beautiful game that has proven that, with technique, you can also achieve things. And talent is the key.

Can we say that it is a victory of the Spanish school over the French school?

Yes, you can say that but in reality it is the beautiful game that wins instead. It is the victory of talent and attacking football. What makes the difference in football today is not just the last pass, the shot on goal, the movements, but also mental speed. Thinking quickly is more important to me than playing fast. The speed of the brain is more important than pace. If you can think fast, and on top of that, you have pace, you’re certain to be the best player in the world. That is a known adage in the understanding of this game.

Precisely, when you receive the ball, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

As you have noticed, I don’t have a big physical presence. My strength lies in understanding the game. Before I receive the ball, I must systematically take a look at everything on the pitch, to know what I should do with it. I have to see where my teammates are to pass on the ball, make an orientated control or give the ball back to the defenders to save time.

In this context, Zidane was the undisputed master, because in addition to having an extraordinary vision of the game, he could use both of his feet. Every one of his actions was a spectacle. I, on the other hand, find it difficult playing with my left foot.

All of these, I didn’t learn them with the Barça first team. Besides the intrinsic qualities that they already have, in Can Barça (FC Barcelona), we were taught to think before we accept a pass, to protect the ball, and raise our heads to see where our teammates are. All these concepts are instilled in them while they are still young by continuously repeating these exercises.

What do they teach you at la Masia other than playing football?

Besides being a school of football, Barça is also school of life. The first thing we are taught at la Masia is respect. Not only must we respect our teammates, but we must also respect the opponent, the referee and the fans. Guardiola often reminded us that, first and foremost, we are playing for the spectators, and we have to see to it that they are having a good time supporting us. I fully share this way of thinking because that is how we can show our respect to our supporters. These are the values that they taught us at la Masia.

Earlier, you talked about Zidane. Do you know that he is of Algerian origin?

Of course. Who doesn’t know that Zidane has Algerian origins!

Everyone sees the game in his own way: Maradona said he was surprised to see Zidane spectacular moves despite his big size, Ayala emphasizes on the way he controlled the ball… How would you describe his game?

(After a long sigh) For me, Zidane is the best player in the world that spans the decade from 1995 to 2005-2006, and is one of the best players in the history of this sport. To see him play in itself is a real spectacle. He knew everything: he plays with his right as well as with his left foot, he can dribble, shoot at goal, he is good with his head. He is one of the most complete players I’ve seen in my life.

Do you have a story to tell us about Zizou? You often had him as an opponent.

He never lets anything gets past him on a football pitch. It’s true when they say he didn’t lose a lot of balls for even when I managed to steal a ball from him, he would never accept it. He would suddenly become a true warrior. Many people failed to notice that but on the pitch Zidane is very aggressive, very strong physically.

The ‘warrior’ comment will appeal to many Algerians whose national team players are called the “Warriors of the desert”…

(Laughing) It is probably his Algerian origins. No not really, in addition to his technical qualities, Zidane had a defensive quality and he can defend well. He was indeed a true Algerian warrior on the pitch.

After an accomplished career, Pep Guardiola went to play in Qatar. Do you see yourself going the same way as your coach, and ending your career there?

I honestly can’t see myself playing there and I’ll tell you why. Yes, you should never say never for you never know what the future holds. For proof, I never imagined that I would one day be interviewed by journalists from Algeria, but you are right here in front of me asking me questions. Nevertheless, my dream is to end my career at Barça.

I don’t know if you can comprehend what I’m saying here but it is a profound sentiment that I have. I am a cule, I’ve loved Barça since I was a kid. I know that with the competition that’s present it will be difficult for me to keep my place for long but I will do everything I can to keep playing at this level until I end my career at Barcelona.

Speaking of Qatar; the decision to select that country to host the 2022 World Cup has provoked strong reactions in the world. Do you think it’s fair to say that a country does not have the capability to organise such an event just because of its hot climate?

I must confess climate does have a fundamental effect on this game. You can’t really play in temperatures of 40 or 50 degrees. However, I have many friends in Qatar who speak well of this country. The people are very nice and friendly.

Back on the topic of the heat, I think by 2022, Qatar will have found solutions to this problem because it has the means to do it.

In the end I believe by organising the World Cup Qatar will bring a lot of good to the development of football in the Arab countries as a whole, and in Qatar itself, in particular.

Did Guardiola ever talk to you about his experiences in Qatar?

Yes, he sometimes spoke to us about it. He always says he was treated very well and with a lot of respect, and he had a great experience living there. Everything had been amazing for him. When he was there, Qatar has just started its policy of recruiting foreign players, but the football there was already competitive, with lots of talented players with good technique. Guardiola has nothing but good things to say about his experiences in Qatar. But it’s not just him that says so. I happen to have a physiotherapist friend who has worked there, and he too thinks the same.

We are now going to ask you perhaps the hardest question you’ll have to answer

(Laughs) Go ahead! We’ll see…

Do you know any of the Algerians playing in la Liga: Getafe’s Medhi Lacen, Liassine Cadamuro of Real Sociedad, Sofiane Feghouli…?

(Cutting off the question in mid-sentence) …of Valencia, and Yebda, who signed for Granada this season…

You seem to be familiar with the Algerian football…

(Smiling) The truth is I don’t know much about football in your country, except for the Algerian players in the League. I know them. Perhaps I know Mehdi Lacen a little more because he has been playing here for several seasons. They are very talented players with their game based on technique. Yebda, Cadamuro and Feghouli, I have not seen much of them, but Lacen is a real competitor, a true warrior. Getafe has done a very good deal by recruiting him. Not only does he seldom fall to the ground thanks to his supreme physical attributes, but he also has the ability to make a perfect pass to his teammates thanks to his very good technique.

Many Muslim players have plied their trade with Barça, some are still there like Seydou Keita…

…and Abidal, and there’s Ibi Afellay too.

Keita once told us he always performs his prayers, sometimes even in the locker room without it ever upsetting anyone. How do you react to that?

That is part of the kind of respect for other cultures that was instilled in us by Barça since we were kids. Seydou prays everywhere and it never bothers anyone. Sometimes he asks for a room to pray, and they provide it for him to make him comfortable. In the Barça dressing room, ​​Seydou is highly respected, and that goes the same for Abidal and Afellay as well. They are not just three Muslims, but three wonderful people too.

Were you never curious in wanting to know the kind of prayers they recite before a game? And why they respect the month of Ramadhan [the month of fasting], and whether it affects their performance?

What aroused my curiosity the most is their respect for Ramadhan. To me, the fact that they are not eating for 12 hours, sometimes even up to 15 hours in the summer, must be very hard on a football player. But it is their belief, and that of all Muslims, and we must respect that.

We, too, have our own way of practicing our religion, but that has never prevented us from having a very good bond with Keita, Abidal and Afellay, for what unites us, first of all, is Barça and football. In Barcelona, ​​there is and always will be players from every culture, and they will all feel welcome because our club is universal. And it is all down to the respect they instil in us from our youth.

Were Keita, Abidal and Afellay ever given some leeway in trainings to accommodate their fasting during Ramadan?

I wouldn’t call it leeway, but I’m surprised that they can train without drinking water and I tell them that. I tell them they must really be out of energy. I guess they are used to it and perhaps this is the reason why they are able to take it.

In recent years, there was deep tension between the players of Real Madrid and Barça. How is the reunion in the national team going?

You know, tension has always existed since there were el Clasicos. Throughout the country, perhaps even throughout the whole world, people are divided into the two camps: some want Barça to win, others want Madrid. How is the reunion? Like it always was, because we are talking to each other, and we are always on speaking terms.

Take Iker Casillas for example, we’ve been together in the national team for at least 15 years, since when we were still kids. I also like Arbeloa and Albiol. It’s the truth. I have a very good relationship with the players of Real. And if there is a problem, we’ll talk eye to eye with each other as adults and everything returns to normal. In the national team, we all pull each other in the same direction to achieve the best possible result.

Precisely, it seems that you and Casillas have a very important role to play in seeing to it that everyone reconciles with each other…

That is nothing unusual. We’ve been here for many years. We have the experience and responsibility to bring everyone’s point of view closer when things go wrong. You know, we have lived through more complicated periods when the national team used to find qualifying for the Euro and World Cup very tough. Now that the results are there, good team atmosphere will automatically follow.

We are the World and European Champions. We have no right to ruin it for everyone just because there was tension during a League match. We must take advantage of these moments with the national team because many other nations would like to be in our place. Besides Casillas and me, there are also Carles Puyol and Del Bosque, who also have an important role to play in maintaining the good atmosphere within the team.

With over 600 games defending the colours of Barça and winning all those titles, how do you manage to get up every morning, take your bag and join the sessions on the training ground?

There are many people who would like to be in my place, don’t you think so? I have the privilege of making a living doing something I’m passionate about. I can’t really complain about that. At a time when most Europeans bear the brunt of the economic crisis, we professional footballers are paid to do something we love.

Football is the thing I love the most in this world, and I’m happy every time I wake up, pick up my bag and walk onto the grass of the training ground. More than a privilege, it is a luxury. What also motivates me most is the opportunity to win even more titles with the club I’ve loved all my life. It’s so deep I can’t express the feeling I have when I defend the colours of Barça.

When you do finally leave Barça, you will have never played for any other club?

I hope so. I want to finish my career at Barcelona because it’s my club, it’s my home, my family, it is everything to me. You can be assured that I will not be content with just these 600 matches.

When do you intend to hang up your boots?

It’s when I can’t do it anymore. In fact, it’s all here! (Pointing to his head) If you feel good here, the body, for sure, will follow. And for now, my head feels good.

When people see you dictating a game on the pitch, one cannot help but predict that you will have a great coaching career ahead of you. What do you make of it?

Everyone tells me that, but I can assure you that for now, I don’t think so. I can’t see myself being on a bench, but it would be a great privilege if I could become a Barça coach someday. Even my friends and family tell me that. I am told that I have always been a stand-in for Guardiola when I’m on the pitch, with virtually the same role and responsibilities as him. And that I should take over from him, and be on the bench, one day.

And what do you say to them?

I ask them to calm down (smiling). I don’t want to think of it, at least not for now. I want to stay on the pitch for many years to come.

Back to topic that interests our readers in Algeria. What do you know of the Algerian national team?

Unfortunately, not much. But I do remember one thing about them, and it’s not one that I would like to have…

Which one?

The scuffle they had with Egypt, and it all took place away from the pitch. It is not like them to go to such extremes. That’s not football, whatever is at stake.

Do you know of any other Algerian players other than those playing in Spain?

The only name that comes to my mind is that of Bougherra, of Rangers. For his big size, I find him very good technically. As of today, all national teams’ selections are the same. Those selected are almost all concentrated in Europe, and they all work in the same way. It is the individual talent that makes the difference.

We have far exceeded the time limit you’ve given us. So we will end this interview by asking you to say a word to the Algerian people…

I am truly grateful to the Algerian people who watch Barça and me. All I ask of them is that they need to just have fun watching our games and not to stir up tensions with Real supporters because after all, football is a game. And I promise them that, with the rest of the Barça players, we will do everything to make them happy.
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 231
Tilmeldt: søn nov 27, 2011 2:03 am
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af brilleaben »

Jeg vil giftes med Xavi! I et polygamt ægteskab med Shakira inkluderet, naturligvis.

Indlæg: 1711
Tilmeldt: ons sep 01, 2010 1:47 pm
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af ulrich »

Allas har været igang igen!


Indlæg: 894
Tilmeldt: man feb 01, 2010 7:14 pm
Geografisk sted: Århus
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af Jurij »

FCBarcelonaChr skrev:Billede
Hæhæ.. :smile:
Forreste sad jeg og tænkte præcis det samme som forfatteren til denne artikel: http://www.goal.com/en/news/1785/fifa-b ... y-raul-the

Xavi er jo den bedste spilfordeler der nogensinde har eksisteret, og selvom spilfordeling er essentielt i fodbold, så har han aldrig vundet en Ballon d'Or. SNYD!
Genopbygning status: færdig.

Indlæg: 9573
Tilmeldt: søn mar 14, 2010 9:54 pm
Geografisk sted: Skivevej 27 lejlighed 3 9500 Hobro by Dk
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af Heartbreaker »

Ja, men som Xavi selv har udtalt, så spiller han i samme tid - og endda på samme hold - som verdens måske bedste spiller nogensinde. Det er lidt synd for ham, men både Messi og Jorge har udtrykt deres respekt for Xavi og delt titlen med ham. :)
Vi skal ikke have Fnat lus lopper knuper adis eller grises til af andre folk de skal og bare lade jeg være i fred og ro for eller døder de lige på stedet med et af min fætter Klaus S Jensen skydevåben det er ikke for sjov det er skam meget alvorlig mendt


Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af BarçaDK »

Jeg kan også unde Xavi Ballon d'Or, men jeg må vel nok erkende, at Xavi på intet tidspunkt har været DEN bedste, så jeg synes faktisk det er fair, han aldrig har vundet Ballon d'Or.

Han skal så naturligvis have alt muligt andet kys, kram, hæder, ære, priser osv. osv., men lige Ballon d'Or, med de regler, der nu engang er for den, vil jeg sige det er OK, han ikke har fået.

Indlæg: 894
Tilmeldt: man feb 01, 2010 7:14 pm
Geografisk sted: Århus
Har takket: 157 gange
Blevet takket: 24 gange

Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af Jurij »

En artikel til at støtte mit argument omkring Ballon d'Or:

Xavi er den bedste centrale midtbanespiller nogensinde: http://www.goal.com/en/news/1717/editor ... s-the-best
Genopbygning status: færdig.


Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af teemuss »

det har jeg vidst længe,Gud forbyde den mand må blive ældre,den dag han slutter, tuder jeg højlydt.

Visca El Barca
Indlæg: 10389
Tilmeldt: tirs apr 28, 2009 1:22 pm
Geografisk sted: Jorden
Har takket: 786 gange
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af Visca El Barca »

Xavi completed an average of 122 successful passes per league game in 2011, the most in Europe #fcbliv
Holy Cow!.
Lad være med at diskutere med en idiot; han tager dig ned på hans niveau, og slår dig i erfaring."


Indlæg: 21033
Tilmeldt: man okt 11, 2010 8:32 pm
Geografisk sted: Odense
Har takket: 321 gange
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af FCBarcelonaChr »

Det er vanvittigt! :eek:

Indlæg: 9750
Tilmeldt: lør nov 13, 2010 9:44 pm
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Re: 6 - Xavier Hernandez Creus

Indlæg af kklaus »

Tillykke med de 400 ligakampe!
Xavi has scored 44 goals and given 80 assists in his 400 Liga matches for Barça. (via @pedritonumeros)
Fun fact: Xavi scored in his 400th Liga game today. He scored in his 600th game overall back in the 3-1 over Madrid as well. #fcblive
Lige en 4-5 år mere på samme niveau, det kunne være fint :-)
Giv mig min sko tilbage, røv!


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