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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 10:13 am
af rummenigge
teemuss skrev:messi er kun verdens treidebedste spiller efter ronaldo og øsil fra RM det mener casillias,jeg troede messi kun var den 26 ende bedste efter alle madrid spillerne.casillias virker som et fjols. :smile:
Har du en kilde teemus? Hvis Casillas har sagt det, ja, så rabler det virkelig for ham som ulrich også er inde på. Man skal også passe på at det ikke er Barcelona medierne der har forvrænget hans budskab eller at han har sagt det med et glimt i øjet. det ligner dog ikke Casillas at have et glimt i øjet, han er sgu lidt kedelig og derfor virker dumme kommentarer endnu dummere når man forventer noget mere intelligent.

Han ved at hos Barca ville Ôzil være 4. hvis ikke 5. bedste midtbanespiller. Cesc, Xavi og Ini er alle bedre og Thiago er helt i klasse med ham og bedre på mange punkter, og har haft en bedre sæson end Özil.

Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 10:57 am
af teemuss

Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 11:42 am
af Blaugrana92
Det er ligesom at sige at jorden er flad ... bare dummere!

Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 11:54 am
af Guardiola
Jorden er flad. Bare med lidt krumning.

Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 1:41 pm
af Brombi
Mourinho har virkelig vendt op og ned på mange ting, bl.a. Casilas' hoved. I det hele taget var der faktisk en del Real Madrid spillere som man godt kunne nære respekt og sympati, men det er bare blevet værre og værre.

Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 1:44 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr
Enig. Casillas var før Mourinho blev træner, den Real spiller jeg havde mest respekt for, den respekt er så småt ved at forsvinde..

Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 1:59 pm
af Heartbreaker
Det er også præcist det samme som er sket med alle mine venner, som er Real fans. De har set sig blind i Mourinho, og uanset hvor dumt han end udtaler sig, eller hvilket stunt han finder på at lave, så kan de på mystisk vis forklare og forsvare det. Det er for meget.

Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 2:31 pm
af JonasV
Hahahahaha Casillas!

...det' ik' sjovt.

Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 3:03 pm
af emo
Det er nu en personlig mening, og mon ikke man vil gør alt for at ens holdkameratter klarer sig så godt som muligt. Sådan er det med afstemninger, de er latterlige og dumme, men svært at lave pris-overrækkelser uden dem. Sidste år stemte han vidst på Robben, Sneijder og Cristiano.

Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 3:31 pm
af Elbarca
Mourinho er en sektleder. Og de afstemninger vil altid have spillere, der stemmer på holdkammerater.

Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 3:42 pm
af Heartbreaker
Elbarca skrev:Mourinho er en sektleder. Og de afstemninger vil altid have spillere, der stemmer på holdkammerater.
Præcist! Heldigvis består verdenen af en brøkdel ærlige og reele mennesker, som nok skal sørger for, at priserne kommer i hænderne på de rigtige!

Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 5:43 pm
af Lopezzz
Casillas ser Messi spille 2 gange om året mens hans fjæs er klistret fast til Gustavs og Özils røv i mindst 50 kampe.
Så det klart at han vælger de to som de bedste.
Det samme gælder Valdes, bare omvendt LOL

Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 7:43 pm
af Visca El Barca
Jeg kunne godt have postet denne artikel i Ronnie tråd, men jeg gør det her. Spændende læsning, jeg vidste godt at Deco og Ronnie havde dårlig indflydelse på omklædningsrummet, men jeg vidste ikke, at en af årsagerne, måske den vigtigste, var at man var bange for, de ville have en dårlige indflydelse på Leo, og ødelægge ham.
'Ronaldinho & Deco were completely out of control; to unleash the power of Lionel Messi, they had to leave Barcelona'
Starting today and continuing until January, will publish exclusive extracts from Graham Hunter's new book on Barca. In this piece, he examines the management of Messi

When a tearful Lionel Messi limped out of a Champions League match against Celtic on March 4, 2008, it spelled the end for his and Barcelona's season. It also led to a clandestine meeting of Camp Nou power-brokers, who formulated a radical strategy to protect their 18-year-old golden boy and ensure his place at the forefront of a new era at Barcelona.


After Lionel Messi collapsed holding the hamstring of his left leg after 38 minutes against Celtic at Camp Nou on March 4, 2008, Ronaldinho and Deco were first to arrive and console, distraught at another calamity for their injury-prone young friend. Messi limped off the field in unrestrained tears – a moment which signified that his, and his team’s season would go up in smoke.

A war cabinet was convened in the wake of the injury. Present were the director of football, Txiki Begiristain, and two vice presidents: Ferran Soriano and Marc Ingla.

Ingla takes up the story: “We were disappointed with the fragility of Messi and his repetitive muscle strains. After the Celtic match we constructed a holistic plan for his future performance: to manage the number of meals he had; what type of food he should eat; how many hours of sleep he had to get; what type of stretching he had to do every day. It was a multi-faceted plan to keep him healthy and to minimise injuries. We put lots of work into it and invested lots of money to help him.”

Brazilian flair | But the fun fizzled out on the pitch for Deco and Ronaldinho

Juanjo Brau was a fitness and rehabilitation coach who had been working with Messi, but not exclusively, since prior to the 2006 World Cup. It was decided that Brau would be dedicated to Messi, helping him avoid injury, rather than recover from it.

Messi's diet would now include previously unknown quantities such as fish and vegetables and these changes in the way he maintains his body have made him leaner and stronger, less susceptible to injury and quicker to recover. However, there was more to the plan than that.

Ronaldinho and Deco were to be removed from the team – partly to clear the decks for a new coach but, those in the war cabinet decided, this was equally to save Messi from their destructive influence.

Ronaldinho and Deco were to be removed from the team - partly to clear the decks for a new coach but, those in the war cabinet decided, this was equally to save Messi from their destructive influence

Ronaldinho and Deco were living the high life away from the pitch – convinced like so many gifted, rich young athletes before them that they were so talented, so full of the magic dust which makes superstars that they could bend the rules and still excel. They were wrong.

Deco's contributions became ever less decisive. He also picked up more niggling injuries and took longer to shrug them off. Ronaldinho was falling from a greater height. The difference was that he gained weight, betrayed by the same physiology which afflicted his mother, brother and sister. From being the world’s best footballer, he turned flabby.

The Barca board saw that Messi would have to be superhuman not to be led astray by players whom he not only idolised, but who had treated him like he was family. Messi was a stocky figure by now – grown to his full height, increasingly strong and explosive with the ball - but hooked on the Argentine diet of red meat and carbs. If he found at taste for nightlife too, then Barca might lose three great players instead of just two. The Brazilians had to go.

If Messi found a taste for nightlife too, then Barca might lose three great players instead of just two. The Brazilians had to go

Ingla told me: “Ronaldinho and Deco were completely out of control. They had been our best players for a couple of years and we lost them.” There remains massive affection for Ronaldinho – Soriano calls him the “rock star” signing, one that transformed Barcelona's play and their place in world football. He brought the magic back to the Camp Nou.

Soriano told me: “It was becoming clear that Ronaldinho was not going to be a lasting star, although we thought in 2005 that we could achieve this and we were talking to his brother about extending his contract to 2014. By 2007 we knew that he wouldn’t be the club’s icon. We had decided - that was going to be Messi.

Ingla spoke for all in attendance at that pivotal meeting when he told me: “To unleash all the power and the image of Messi, we had to push out Ronaldinho and Deco.”

Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 7:59 pm
af ulrich
Spændende læsning indeed.

Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

: fre nov 25, 2011 8:07 pm
af Heartbreaker
Utrolig spændende læsning. Tak for det :)