10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Tidernes Barca-legender

Redaktører: Guardiola, Wennerberg

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Tilmeldt: tirs sep 30, 2014 9:50 pm
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af DeanCassady »

Og pludseligt viser der sig nogle meget, meget alvorlige udtalelser:
“Throughout the year I had been telling the president that I wanted to leave, that the time had come to seek new goals and new directions in my career,” explained Messi. “He told me all the time: ‘We'll talk, not now, this and that’, but nothing. The president did not give me a clue at what he was really saying.

“Sending the burofax was making it official that I wanted to go and that I was free and the optional year – I was not going to use it and I wanted to go.

“It was not to make a mess, or to go against the club, but the way to make it official because my decision had been made.”

He added: “If I don't send the burofax, it's like nothing happens, I have the optional year I had to have continued all year.

“What they say is that I did not say it before June 10 – but I repeat, we were in the middle of all the competitions and it was not the moment.

"But apart from that, the president always told me 'when the season is over, you decide if you stay or leave', he never set a date, and well, it was simply to make it official that I wouldn't continue, but not to start a fight because I didn't want to fight against the club."
“Of course I had a hard time deciding. It does not come from the Bayern result, it comes from many things,” he stressed. “I always said I wanted to end here and I always said I wanted to stay here. That I wanted a winning project and to win titles with the club, to continue expanding the legend of Barcelona.

“And the truth is that there has been no project or anything for a long time, they juggle and cover holes as things go by. As I said before, I always thought about the welfare of my family and the club."
Av, Bartomeu.
Robert Zimmerman

Indlæg: 1501
Tilmeldt: søn mar 11, 2018 5:33 pm
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af SIOUX »

Undre mig over følgende udtalelse:

“It was a very difficult year, I suffered a lot in training, in games and in the dressing room. Everything became very difficult for me and there came a time when I considered looking for new ambitions."

Til træning og i omklædningsrummet?

Indlæg: 25483
Tilmeldt: ons nov 25, 2009 3:21 pm
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Piquénbauer »

Altså vi har lige haft den dårligste træner i klubbens historie. Kan godt forstå Messi var træt af det...
¡Madrid cabrón, saluda al campeón!

Indlæg: 3633
Tilmeldt: ons mar 04, 2009 8:47 pm
Geografisk sted: Sjælland
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af B-Freak »

Tror Messi bliver længere end 1 sæson hvis Barto går af og Xavi kommer ind som træner efter denne sæson.

Indlæg: 1501
Tilmeldt: søn mar 11, 2018 5:33 pm
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af SIOUX »

B-Freak skrev:
fre sep 04, 2020 6:33 pm
Tror Messi bliver længere end 1 sæson hvis Barto går af og Xavi kommer ind som træner efter denne sæson.
Kunne sagtens tænkes, at det er "planen". Især taget in mente, at hans familie blev så kede af det, og ikke vil rejse. Who knows..

Indlæg: 15194
Tilmeldt: tirs aug 22, 2006 2:00 pm
Geografisk sted: Babylon
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Lopezzz »


Indlæg: 7321
Tilmeldt: man dec 05, 2011 1:01 pm
Geografisk sted: Frederiksværk
Har takket: 1925 gange
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Dytrax »

Bordet fanger, Barto! Du skal gå af. Lige nu. Og tag din ledelse med og bliv væk.

Men, hvad så nu? Messi skal helt sikkert nok yde sit bedste på banen, det er jeg ikke i tvivl om. Men hvordan kommer det til at påvirke holdet?

Bliver Barto losset ud, hvis ja, hvad sker der så?

Indlæg: 5261
Tilmeldt: man apr 25, 2005 10:30 pm
Geografisk sted: Sønderborg
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Kvoller »

“I wanted to go because I thought about living my last years of football happily. Lately I have not found happiness within the club.”

Indlæg: 7321
Tilmeldt: man dec 05, 2011 1:01 pm
Geografisk sted: Frederiksværk
Har takket: 1925 gange
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Dytrax »

: Why did it take you time to break your silence and go out to speak?

“First because after the defeat in Lisbon it was very hard. We knew they were a very difficult opponent, but not that we were going to end that way, giving such a poor image for the club and for Barcelona. We gave a very bad image. It was wrong, I didn't feel like anything. I wanted time to pass and then go out to clarify everything "

🇶 : Why did you tell Barça that you could go?

“I told the club, especially the president, that I wanted to go. I've been telling him all year. He believed it was time to step aside. I believed that the club needed more young people, new people and I thought my time in Barcelona was over, feeling it a lot because I always said that I wanted to finish my career here. It was a very difficult year, I suffered a lot in training, in games and in the dressing room. Everything became very difficult for me and there came a time when I considered looking for new goals, new airs. It did not come because of the Champions League result against Bayern, the decision I had been thinking about for a long time. I told the president and well, the president always said that at the end of the season I could decide if I wanted to go or if I wanted to stay and in the end he did not end up keeping his word ”.

"I suffered a lot this year and I thought about taking a step to the side"

🇶 : Have you ever felt lonely?

“No… I didn't feel alone. Not alone. Those who are always have been by my side. That is enough for me and strengthens me. But I did feel hurt by things I heard from people, from journalism, from people questioning my Barça and saying things that I think I didn't deserve. It also helped me to see who is who. This world of football that is very difficult and there are many very false people. This that has happened has helped me to recognize many false people that I had in another consideration. It hurt me when my love for this club was questioned. No matter how much I go or stay, my love for Barça will never change ”.

🇶 : Everything has been heard. The money factor, Messi's friends. What has hurt you the most after 20 years defending the Barça shirt?

“A bit of everything, Messi's friends, money… many things that have been said have hurt. I always put the club before anything else. I had the possibility of leaving Barça many times. The money? Every year I was able to leave and earn more money than at Barcelona. I always said that this was my home and it was what I felt and feel. Better than here it is difficult. I felt that I needed a change and new goals, new things "

"There has been no project for a long time and there is nothing, they are juggling and covering holes"

🇶 : In the end it is very difficult to give up twenty years, a whole life, a family that is in Barcelona, ​​a city ... And that is what weighs more when making a decision ... Because I understand that in the end you stay in Barcelona no? You are still at Barcelona.

“Of course I had a hard time deciding. It does not come from the Bayern result, it comes from many things. I always said that I wanted to end here and I always said that I wanted to stay here. That he wanted a winning project and win titles with the club to continue expanding the legend of Barcelona at the title level. And the truth is that there has been no project or nothing for a long time, they juggle and cover holes as things go by. As I said before, I always thought about the welfare of my family and the club "

“When I told my family that I could go it was a drama. They all started crying "

🇶 : What happened when you told your family that you can leave Barcelona?

“When I communicated this to my wife and children, it was a barbaric drama. The whole family crying, my children did not want to leave Barcelona, ​​nor did they want to change schools. I looked further and I want to compete at the highest level, win titles, compete in the Champions League. You can win or lose it, because it is very difficult, but you have to compete. At least compete it and don't let the Rome , Liverpool thing happen to us, about Lisbon. All that he did led me to think about that decision that I did not carry out. We go back to the beginning ... I thought and we were sure that I was free, the president always said that at the end of the season I could decide if I stayed or not and now they hold on to the fact that I did not say it before June 10 when it turns out that on June 10 June we were competing for the League in the middle of this shitty virus and this disease that altered all the dates. And this is the reason why I am going to continue in the club ... Now I am going to continue in the club because the president told me that the only way to leave was to pay the 700 million clause, that that is impossible, and then there was another way it was to go to trial. I would never go to trial against Barça because it is the club that I love, that gave me everything since I arrived, it is the club of my life, I have made my life here,

🇶 : Is that what has hurt you the most, that there are those who think you could have hurt Barça? You have been defending the club for years and being the flag of FC Bacelona. Has it hurt you that they doubt your barcelonismo?

“It has hurt me a lot that things are published against me and above all, that false things are published. Or that they came to think that I could go to trial against Barça in order to benefit myself. I would never do such a thing. I repeat, I wanted to go and it was entirely my right, because the contract said that I could be released. And it's not 'I'm leaving and that's it'. I was leaving and it cost me a lot. I wanted to go because I thought about living my last years of football happily. The latter did not find happiness within the club "

🇶 : That is vital. Be happy. You are a born winner. You are in a team that fights for titles and in recent seasons Barça has not competed in Europe. You are going to continue leading the team at Barça. But something will have to change at Barça, right? Something will have to change at the sporting level, right?

“I will continue at Barça and my attitude will not change no matter how much I have wanted to go. I will do my best. I always want to win, I'm competitive and I don't like to lose anything. I always want the best for the club, for the dressing room and for myself. I said it at the time that it was not giving us to win the Champions League. Actually, now I don't know what will happen. There is a new coach and a new idea. That's good, but then we have to see how the team responds and whether or not it will give us to compete. 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈'𝐦 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈'𝐦 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 "

Indlæg: 9404
Tilmeldt: man sep 18, 2017 3:30 pm
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Antimadridista »

Som ventet giver Messi en følelsesmæssig og forståelig argumentation for hvorfor alt dette er foregået. Intet virker aparte i den melding.

Det er sørgeligt at den mest beundrede spiller i sin generation og i det hele taget, skal udsættes for sådan en behandling.

Ønsker og håber det værste for Bartho.

Det bliver en turbulent og nedslående sæson. Der er intet.godt i det her. Og nej det er naturligvis ikke godt at han bliver under disse omstændigheder.

Indlæg: 7321
Tilmeldt: man dec 05, 2011 1:01 pm
Geografisk sted: Frederiksværk
Har takket: 1925 gange
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Dytrax »

Antimadridista skrev:
fre sep 04, 2020 7:13 pm
Som ventet giver Messi en følelsesmæssig og forståelig argumentation for hvorfor alt dette er foregået. Intet virker aparte i den melding.

Det er sørgeligt at den mest beundrede spiller i sin generation og i det hele taget, skal udsættes for sådan en behandling.

Ønsker og håber det værste for Bartho.

Det bliver en turbulent og nedslående sæson. Der er intet.godt i det her. Og nej det er naturligvis ikke godt at han bliver under disse omstændigheder.
Hørte én af præsidentkandidaterne sige, at nu er det vigtigt, at Barto bliver sat af og skuden bliver vendt, idet Messi kan rejse, når kalenderen siger januar.
Ved ikke, om det forholder sig sådan, men er enig i, at Bartomeu må og skal væk.

Indlæg: 4335
Tilmeldt: man maj 17, 2010 9:50 am
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Drake »

Jeg er meget splittet omkring at Messi bliver alligevel.

På den ene side er der fantastisk at han bliver, og vi kan nyde ham en sæson mere! og samtidig kan han slutte ordenligt af som både Messi, klubben og os fans fortjener :grin:

MEN på den anden side, så kommer der endnu mere fokus på Messi end før, og den genopbygning af holdet kan vi godt skyde en hvid pil efter, da alt vil fortsætte med at dreje sig om Messi på banen, og den ubalance det vil medføre, så vi ikke får det bedste ud af de andre spillere og holdet generelt, så som at Griez og Coutinho ikke ville komme til at fungere, når Messi er der. Vi kommer heller ikke til at kunne forny holdet ordenligt, når vi ikke for penge og måske spillere for Messi, og må nøjes med det vi har, hvor mange af dem er gamle og mættede :roll:

Og det kan godt være at Messi vil prøve at gøre sit bedste for klubben, men det kan ikke undgå at påvirke ham denne her situation at han ikke vil være her, og vil påvirke hans motivation, så han ikke ville spille på sit bedste niveau, desværre :sørgelig:

Det kommer til at blive en rigtig skidt sæson, og endnu værre når Messi bliver :sad:

Så det eneste der er at se frem til næste sæson, er at nyde Messis sidste sæson, og de få minutter vores unge spillere får, og så må vi genopbygge sæsonen efter.
Endelig slap vi at med kloven Bartomeu, som har ødelagt klubben!! :mad:
Et kæmpe genopbygnings arbejde skal igang, og tager nok 5-6 år. :sørgelig: Vores mål må være: Top 4 og videre fra gruppespillet i CL. Men bliver spænende at se udviklingen :glad:

Indlæg: 15194
Tilmeldt: tirs aug 22, 2006 2:00 pm
Geografisk sted: Babylon
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Lopezzz »

Der er kun en ting som irriterer mig rigtig meget ved hans interview. Når han har sagt det til familien og ingen af dem ønsker at rejse fordi Barcelona er deres hjem og de er lykkelige der.
Man skal passe på og gøre ALT for familien så alle har det godt men han valgte at prioritere sig selv og ønsker SELV at flytte hvor han kan konkurrere om titler.
Der har jeg mistet lidt respekt for ham
Fuck det!!
Når ens børn græder og ønsker ikke at rejse så skal man ikke skuffe dem.

Også hvis han kan se at klubben mangler projekt og har gjort det i nogle år så skulle han står frem og gøre noget ved det. Han er kaptajnen. Men han var hele tiden tavs og kun tænker på at stoppe i Barca og finde sig en ny klub.
Det kan jeg heller ikke lide ved ham.
Han er lidt en tøsedreng når man skal løse problemer i klubben

Indlæg: 2497
Tilmeldt: søn mar 08, 2015 12:55 pm
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af FCBSOCI »

Hvis Messi har ret i sit angreb på Bartomeu, er det rystende. Så er klubbens præsident løbet fra sit løfte. Hvorfor? Formodentligt for at rede sit eget skin og kunne sige, at Messi ikke forlod Barca på hans “vagt”. Føj, siger jeg bare.

Indlæg: 25483
Tilmeldt: ons nov 25, 2009 3:21 pm
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Re: 10 - Lionel Andrés Messi

Indlæg af Piquénbauer »

Jeg ved sgu ikke. Hvis der kommer noget organisation ind på holdet så kan vi sagtens vinde mesterskabet.

Det ville også være en fin måde at sige farvel til Messi på!
¡Madrid cabrón, saluda al campeón!


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