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Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 1:36 pm
af ladislau
Mht Ferran havde man heller ikke råd dengang.
Men anførenes udsættelse sf løn, forlængelsen af Umtitis kontrakt osv osv, gjorde at man teknisk set kunne presse købet igennem, selvom man reelt ikke havde sparet en krone.
Aubo står eftersigende også til en klækkelig lønforhøjelse efter sommeren.
Man har bare skubbet problemerne, som man nu plejer

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 1:37 pm
af Dytrax
Frenkie de Jong tells ESPN: “I prefer to stay at Barça. I said this before, Barcelona is the club of my dreams”

“Contact with other clubs? I don't want to talk about rumors anymore. I feel good at Barcelona. There is no agreement and nothing official”

- Fabrizio Romano

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 1:53 pm
af Rekick
Dytrax skrev:
tirs maj 31, 2022 12:03 pm
🚨 Javier Tebas (La Liga president): "Barça already know what they must do if they want to sign Lewandowski. They know our economic control rules perfectly. It's to avoid major economic problems.

"I don't know if they will sell De Jong or Pedri, but they know that they must enter more and sell assets. To this day, they still cannot sign Lewandowski."
Tebas må uden tvivl være den Liga-præsident der har allermest ondt i røven over hvad klubberne render rundt og laver. Han laver ikke andet end at snakke lort, han skulle nok fokusere på at rette lidt op på La Ligas image.

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 2:14 pm
af Isageren
Rekick skrev:
tirs maj 31, 2022 1:53 pm
Dytrax skrev:
tirs maj 31, 2022 12:03 pm
🚨 Javier Tebas (La Liga president): "Barça already know what they must do if they want to sign Lewandowski. They know our economic control rules perfectly. It's to avoid major economic problems.

"I don't know if they will sell De Jong or Pedri, but they know that they must enter more and sell assets. To this day, they still cannot sign Lewandowski."
Tebas må uden tvivl være den Liga-præsident der har allermest ondt i røven over hvad klubberne render rundt og laver. Han laver ikke andet end at snakke lort, han skulle nok fokusere på at rette lidt op på La Ligas image.
Jeg forstår ikke hvordan det system fungerer? Han har formået at miste stjerne efter stjerne og generelt ødelagt ligaen, men hvem sørger for at vurdere hans arbejde? Er det muligt at få ham væltet?

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 2:36 pm
af Dytrax
Og endnu en 'lille' detalje, der gør ondt på den vaklende økonomi:
FC Barcelona owe Gérard Pique €50M due to deferred salary. [@gerardromero]

Derudover stiger Auba - som andre også har nævnt - betragteligt i løn snart.

Mht. Tebas, er han i 2015 citeret for følgende;
If I say I don't support Madrid, then that would be hypocritical and I would be painted as a liar. And I certainly don't like to be called a liar.

Imagine if I said that I loved all teams, and then it came out that I supported Madrid since I was a boy, went to 27 Clasicos in the past, that I celebrated Madrid wins with friends in a bar.

I prefer to call it as it is.

Hvilket jo selvfølgelig bare gør det ekstra lækkert.

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 2:49 pm
af Isageren
Vi skylder Pique 50 mio euro i løn? Hvad fuck laver de? De har jo bare skubbet problemerne?

De der spillere skal fandme også til at stoppe med det “elsker klubben” pis. Busi, Alba, Pique og Roberto er jo ikke gået en skid ned i løn, de får det bare senere. Det er så uhørt at Pique kan tillade sig at tale lort om Bartomeu, men stadig tage imod sin kontrakt som om den er berrettiget. Uhørt.

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 4:24 pm
af Kvoller
På den anden side har man jo fået en kontrakt og er i sin gode ret til de penge. Ved at udskyde en del af sin løn har man jo også hjulpet klubben, vi kunne jo pga det indskrive spillere sidste sæson. Jeg kan sådan set godt forstå dem, hvis de ikke giver afkald på den løn, når klubben købte Ferran og vil købe Alonso og Lewan der til sammen nok vil rende op i 100 mio euro. De får jo nok heller ikke en lille løn. Oveni i det, vil man hente Azpi, Kessié og AC, hvor Kessié og AC skulle få 6,5 mio euro om året. Hvorfor skulle Piqué, Alba og Busquets sige nej til deres penge, når klubben smider om sig med fede kontrakter og store beløb til andre spillere? Se det er uhørt i mine øjne.

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 4:28 pm
af Isageren
Kvoller skrev:
tirs maj 31, 2022 4:24 pm
På den anden side har man jo fået en kontrakt og er i sin gode ret til de penge. Ved at udskyde en del af sin løn har man jo også hjulpet klubben, vi kunne jo pga det indskrive spillere sidste sæson. Jeg kan sådan set godt forstå dem, hvis de ikke giver afkald på den løn, når klubben købte Ferran og vil købe Alonso og Lewan der til sammen nok vil rende op i 100 mio euro. De får jo nok heller ikke en lille løn. Oveni i det, vil man hente Azpi, Kessié og AC, hvor Kessié og AC skulle få 6,5 mio euro om året. Hvorfor skulle Piqué, Alba og Busquets sige nej til deres penge, når klubben smider om sig med fede kontrakter og store beløb til andre spillere? Se det er uhørt i mine øjne.
Fordi at Kessie og AC’s kontrakter, samt Ferran og Aubas ikke er særligt store. De er almindelige kontrakter til transferfrie og habile spillere. De lønninger som kaptajnerne tjener hjem er fuldstændigt sindssyge. De er blevet forhandlet af Bartomeu som har betalt dem som var de ballon d’or contenders. Hvis de hader Bartomeu så meget, så tager man ikke imod hans penge nu hvor klubben er i knæ.

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 7:13 pm
af Dytrax
OFFICIAL: Members' Assembly on 16th June to approve:

1. Sale of Barça Licensing and Merchandising upto 49.9% to one or more investors.

2. Transfer of 25% of the income from TV rights to one or more investors.

Barcelona, in total, should receive €740M out of the economic levers. The 49% BLM sale will contribute around €200M, while €540M, in total, for television rights. [ Via: 2Playbook ]

Og når det er på plads, er der den løn til anførerne, der volder problemer ift. La Ligas regler lige nu. Pique, Roberto, Bussi og Alba skal have €120 millioner.

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 7:15 pm
af Dytrax
Mateu Alemany's concession to the Barça captains.

Piqué, Busquets and Alba have already achieved the performance bonus, evading the toughening of conditions proposed by the football director (Alemany) for this variable. The amount the club will have to pay them next season exceeds €120M.

The pain in his groin that he had had for much of the course worsened in Germany and has led him to cheat more of the account this past month, in which he has decided to force himself to play two of the five games on the calendar. In the remaining three it was low.
In both cases, he was literally lame, reduced by the discomfort in the adductor, and despite having two 100% central players ready on the bench (Eric Garcia and Lenglet). "I appreciate Gerard's involvement and leadership because the team needs him," said Xavi after Barça's last victory in the league. The coach is aware of the importance that his former teammate still has in the collective successes.

This last nuance is key, because Mateu Alemany has hardened the individual variables in the new contracts. If the former president Josep Maria Bartomeu excluded the time off in the percentage of matches and minutes played, the new management tends to eliminate the mitigating factor and the participation records are counted, including the matches of absence due to medical cause or sanction.

The measure was taken not to repeat the negative impact on the injury accounts of expensive and theoretically titular footballers like Ousmane Dembélé or Philippe Coutinho. However, the three captains - Piqué, Jordi Alba and Sergio Busquets - were saved from the new regime when it came to negotiating last summer's deferral. With contracts in hand, their benefits are measured only by technical decisions (ownership and holdings of more than 45 minutes). And, in this sense, with Xavi they are left over.

In the case of Piqué, he has added 45 minutes or more in 34 of the 49 official commitments that Barça has played between all the competitions, 69.38% of the total. And in terms of total minutes, it has accumulated 3,101, 69.37% of the total of 4,470 that the team has played, counting the two overtimes in the Arabian Super Cup and in San Mamés in the round of 16 of the Cup. If he stopped playing the remaining four league games, the two ratios could drop to 64% and 63%, respectively, but he would not be left without some of the agreed bonuses. "He's the smartest of them all," they told him at the Camp Nou offices.

The salary burden with the captain
Piqué, has 2 more seasons of contract with Barça and almost 3 quarters of the salary for this year deferred, which is why the club has that during the 2022/23 academic year will have to pay him a figure of more than €50M gross between salary, miscellaneous bonuses and arrears. Counting Sergio Busquets and Jordi Alba, who also deffered, the amount far exceeds €120M.

This salary burden is the main problem of the club to generate financial fair play and undertake a generational change in the staff. However, the three captains are still essential for the coaches. None of the three have a substitute for guarantees in the current staff.

[Xavi Hernandez Navarro]

Og når de detaljer er på plads, kan vi gå til købmanden igen... :mrgreen:

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 7:59 pm
af Dytrax
Laporta: "I ask Tebas to stop commenting on possible Barça signing."

"I want to remind the president of La Liga that his role is to look for the best interests of every club in the league. What he does when he talks about our possible signings hurt us, and I don’t understand why he wants to negatively affect Barcelona’s best interests."

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 8:06 pm
af Dytrax
Raphinha has Barcelona as priority since February… but the deal is still not close to be completed between clubs

Leeds have no intention to accept less than €55m - not payable in many installments/years. It’s up to Barça, while other clubs are now joining the race too.

- Fabrizio Romano

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 9:15 pm
af ladislau
25 pct af tv pengene og 50 pct af merchandise???
Det er jo det glade vanvid! Vi kører i minus forvejen.
Når de penge er soldet op, så er best case scenario, at vi aldrig bliver konkurrencedygtige igen.
Hvordan vil de nogensinde lave sorte tal på bundlinjen, med den brandskatning på omsætningen?

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 10:07 pm
af EasyBuddhist
[ @relevo🥇] | Raphinha’s chances of getting to Barça go down because Leeds wants €55M + variables. There are currently Premier League clubs with more money whose chances are higher to sign the Brazilian. The move is NOT ruled out but the priority is lower.

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs maj 31, 2022 11:33 pm
af MarkMenace
EasyBuddhist skrev:
tirs maj 31, 2022 10:07 pm
[ @relevo🥇] | Raphinha’s chances of getting to Barça go down because Leeds wants €55M + variables. There are currently Premier League clubs with more money whose chances are higher to sign the Brazilian. The move is NOT ruled out but the priority is lower.
Man ku have håbet på en gentlemans aftale med Leeds of Raphinha. Sikrer os overlevelse og vi slipper dig til din drømmeklub til samme som din frikøbsklausul ved nedrykning. Men kun dem.