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Re: Transferrygter

: tirs aug 17, 2021 8:32 pm
af A$AP
Godt nok en dum situation for begge parter. 5 millioner for en 18-årig knægt i disse tider? Koeman kunne også lide ham, det så vi i sidste sæson. Jeg ville ønske vi kunne finde en løsning og at han kunne fortsætte, men det måske for sent nu.

Re: Transferrygter

: tirs aug 17, 2021 8:35 pm
af Dytrax
A$AP skrev:
tirs aug 17, 2021 8:32 pm
Godt nok en dum situation for begge parter. 5 millioner for en 18-årig knægt i disse tider? Koeman kunne også lide ham, det så vi i sidste sæson. Jeg ville ønske vi kunne finde en løsning og at han kunne fortsætte, men det måske for sent nu.
Jeg tror løbet er kørt. Plus, den attitude, den må han gerne smutte med. Apropos det, så jeg en kommentar på en Barça-relateret side om vores ven, Umtiti;
Took no pay cut. Accepted no transfer. Just want to sit and collect his £212,000 per week until end of 2023 season when his contract expires.

We will not forget your shithousery Samuel Umtiti!

Re: Transferrygter

: ons aug 18, 2021 2:26 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr
Så kan han sidde der og rådne op og fucke sig selv op.

Re: Transferrygter

: ons aug 18, 2021 2:44 pm
af Norbit
FCBarcelonaChr skrev:
ons aug 18, 2021 2:26 pm
Så kan han sidde der og rådne op og fucke sig selv op.

Endelig er der en konsekvens af at man ikke gider samarbejde. Umtiti, Pjanic etc. burde få samme tur.

Re: Transferrygter

: ons aug 18, 2021 2:47 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr
Norbit skrev:
ons aug 18, 2021 2:44 pm
FCBarcelonaChr skrev:
ons aug 18, 2021 2:26 pm
Så kan han sidde der og rådne op og fucke sig selv op.

Endelig er der en konsekvens af at man ikke gider samarbejde. Umtiti, Pjanic etc. burde få samme tur.
Ja det er sgu skønt.

Re: Transferrygter

: ons aug 18, 2021 2:53 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr
Lidt mere uddybende om Moriba's situation:
What next for Ilaix Moriba and Barcelona?
Chelsea and Leipzig eyeing his situation

By Reshad Rahman@ReshadRahman_ Aug 18, 2021, 2:45pm CEST

Barcelona and Ilaix Moriba’s representatives had been negotiating a renewal for almost two months, but an agreement is not at all close between the parties.

Many offers were proposed on the table by the club, but neither of them have been able to satisfy Moriba’s agents — a situation which creates a lot of uncertainty around the player’s future, whose will was to stay and renew his contract.

Barcelona had set 8th August as the deadline for the situation to be resolved. Lo and behold, it’s 18th August today and Moriba’s future in Spain looks to be getting increasingly further away. The club confirmed that it would take matters into their own hands, should the situation not get resolved by the deadline.

With the Catalan club not intending to make any further proposals, they are ready to hear offers for Moriba. As far as the asking price is concerned, they want around €15-20m. Many clubs from England are keeping their tabs on the situation, with Chelsea being one of them. In Germany, RB Leipzig have shown a concrete interest in the 18-year-old midfielder.

The situation is tense and the club won’t be flexible with him. If Ilaix Moriba doesn’t end up leaving in these final two weeks of the window, it is very likely that the player will not only miss games with the first-team but with the B team as well. He will just train and spend the season in the stands, something he is reportedly willing to do.

President Joan Laporta addressed his situation during Emerson Royal’s presentation and had made his thoughts very clear: “We will try to make sure that his case is not repeated anymore. He has one year left on his contract and does not want to accept the club’s conditions. We do not accept that and we want to send a message to the team. If you do not want to renew, there are other solutions.

“What we don’t want are players made at La Masia who don’t want to renew. He’s a player we’ve given opportunities, but the club is above all. I would like you [Moriba] to think again. We cannot allow him to be promoted [to the first-team] and then leave. We won’t accept that with any player.”

Re: Transferrygter

: ons aug 18, 2021 3:06 pm
af Paulinho15
FCBarcelonaChr skrev:
ons aug 18, 2021 2:53 pm
Lidt mere uddybende om Moriba's situation:
What next for Ilaix Moriba and Barcelona?
Chelsea and Leipzig eyeing his situation

By Reshad Rahman@ReshadRahman_ Aug 18, 2021, 2:45pm CEST

Barcelona and Ilaix Moriba’s representatives had been negotiating a renewal for almost two months, but an agreement is not at all close between the parties.

Many offers were proposed on the table by the club, but neither of them have been able to satisfy Moriba’s agents — a situation which creates a lot of uncertainty around the player’s future, whose will was to stay and renew his contract.

Barcelona had set 8th August as the deadline for the situation to be resolved. Lo and behold, it’s 18th August today and Moriba’s future in Spain looks to be getting increasingly further away. The club confirmed that it would take matters into their own hands, should the situation not get resolved by the deadline.

With the Catalan club not intending to make any further proposals, they are ready to hear offers for Moriba. As far as the asking price is concerned, they want around €15-20m. Many clubs from England are keeping their tabs on the situation, with Chelsea being one of them. In Germany, RB Leipzig have shown a concrete interest in the 18-year-old midfielder.

The situation is tense and the club won’t be flexible with him. If Ilaix Moriba doesn’t end up leaving in these final two weeks of the window, it is very likely that the player will not only miss games with the first-team but with the B team as well. He will just train and spend the season in the stands, something he is reportedly willing to do.

President Joan Laporta addressed his situation during Emerson Royal’s presentation and had made his thoughts very clear: “We will try to make sure that his case is not repeated anymore. He has one year left on his contract and does not want to accept the club’s conditions. We do not accept that and we want to send a message to the team. If you do not want to renew, there are other solutions.

“What we don’t want are players made at La Masia who don’t want to renew. He’s a player we’ve given opportunities, but the club is above all. I would like you [Moriba] to think again. We cannot allow him to be promoted [to the first-team] and then leave. We won’t accept that with any player.”
Jeg læste et sted, at Ilaix Moriba har samme agenter som Max Meyer. Det var noget med, at Max Meyer ikke ville forlænge i Schalke, fordi agenterne der også krævede absurd mange penge. I stedet endte Max Meyer vist med at skifte på en fri transfer til Crystal Palace. Hvor er Max Meyer nu.

Jeg ved overhovedet ikke om det her er sandt, men det var bare lige noget jeg hurtigt læste et sted. Hvis det er sandt kan det tyde på, at Ilaix har grådige agenter.

Ilaix var også tæt på at skifte til Premier som 16-årig eller sådan noget eller i hvert fald da han var yngre. Dengang krævede han vist også absurd mange penge i forhold til sin alder.

Står det til mig skal Barca bare kyle ham ud på røv og albuer. Vi kan ikke have spillere med så dårlig en attitude.

Re: Transferrygter

: ons aug 18, 2021 3:09 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr
Den historie med Max Meyer har jeg også læst.

Ift. Moriba var det vidst City der var efter ham som 16årig. Bartomøv smed vidst en stor sum penge efter ham for at få ham til at blive.

Men ja enig, han skal langt væk fra klubben.

Re: Transferrygter

: ons aug 18, 2021 3:09 pm
af Paulinho15
Det var vist denne historie jeg læste om Ilaix og Meyer: ... who-left-/

I forhold til det du skriver FCBarcelonaChr, så siger artiklen dette:

"For the record, it should be mentioned that the Catalans made Ilaix the best-paid youngster at La Masia when he signed his current deal back in 2019."

Re: Transferrygter

: ons aug 18, 2021 3:11 pm
af Paulinho15
Årsagen til, at Xavi Simons også forlod Barca var angiveligt, at han også krævede absurd mange penge

Re: Transferrygter

: ons aug 18, 2021 3:24 pm
af EasyBuddhist
Paulinho15 skrev:
ons aug 18, 2021 3:09 pm
Det var vist denne historie jeg læste om Ilaix og Meyer: ... who-left-/

I forhold til det du skriver FCBarcelonaChr, så siger artiklen dette:

"For the record, it should be mentioned that the Catalans made Ilaix the best-paid youngster at La Masia when he signed his current deal back in 2019."
Jeg kan godt huske, da han forlængede sidst. Det var også lidt en saga, men Kluivert havde fået til opgave at opgradere på La Masia dengang og derfor var man rundhåndet med lønninger til de største talenter. Der var mange klubber ude efter de forskellige talenter og Barca havde mistet en del, så man blev presset til det allerede der. Barca hentede også selv et par store talenter ved at overskue på lønnen, så man lever jo også selv i toppen af fødekæden og kan som sådan, ikke klandre andre for at bruge samme midler. Imo så giver et evt. lønloft mest mening hos de unge spillere. Man burde have lønloft på, hvor meget man kan bruge på ungdomsspillere og hvor meget de maksimalt kan tjene. Det vil også stoppe rovdriften på talenter i de store klubber og sikre at spillere som Moriba, ikke bliver for grådige i for ung en alder eller bliver udnyttet af agenter

Re: Transferrygter

: ons aug 18, 2021 3:25 pm
af EasyBuddhist
Paulinho15 skrev:
ons aug 18, 2021 3:11 pm
Årsagen til, at Xavi Simons også forlod Barca var angiveligt, at han også krævede absurd mange penge
Rigtigt, det var i samme periode og Barca valgte dengang at gå med Moriba det får man så takken for nu.

Re: Transferrygter

: ons aug 18, 2021 4:06 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr
Paulinho15 skrev:
ons aug 18, 2021 3:09 pm
Det var vist denne historie jeg læste om Ilaix og Meyer: ... who-left-/

I forhold til det du skriver FCBarcelonaChr, så siger artiklen dette:

"For the record, it should be mentioned that the Catalans made Ilaix the best-paid youngster at La Masia when he signed his current deal back in 2019."
Ak ja, man håber lidt at det ender på samme måde med Moriba som med Max Meyer.

Og tak, så huskede jeg da lidt rigtigt. Er det ikke 3M € årligt der forlanges af klubben?

Re: Transferrygter

: ons aug 18, 2021 8:28 pm
af A$AP

Re: Transferrygter

: ons aug 18, 2021 8:43 pm
af EasyBuddhist
A$AP skrev:
ons aug 18, 2021 8:28 pm
Av, han gør det godt, ham Tebas. Kom til i 2013 og siden er det bare gået ned, ned, ned, mens alle andre er gået op, op, op. Hvad fanden laver han egentlig, andet end at pisse alt og alle af?