Side 438 af 676

Re: FC Barcelona

: man maj 30, 2016 9:41 pm
af Piquénbauer
Iniesta: "It's good that the fans have gotten used to winning, but sometimes it's good to recall all we've achieved"

Iniesta: "At Barça, the level is so high that when you don't win one trophy it seems like the world is ending"

Re: FC Barcelona

: tors jun 02, 2016 6:43 pm
af kklaus ... ccept-that
Robert Fernández pressemøde i dag. De fleste ting er postet i de respektive tråde, men smider lige linket her.

Re: FC Barcelona

: søn jun 05, 2016 2:49 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr
Guardiola: "Barça can keep going after Luis Enrique if ex-players like Xavi or Busquets take over... And hopefully Messi retires at 40."

Re: FC Barcelona

: søn jun 05, 2016 3:53 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr
Barcelona will play the Gamper Trophy game on 10 August. Opponent could be Ajax. Spanish Super Cup against Sevilla on 14 and 17 August. [md]

Re: FC Barcelona

: man jun 06, 2016 11:21 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr
1 år siden i dag:

phpBB [video]

Re: FC Barcelona

: man jun 06, 2016 11:58 pm
af Michman
FCBarcelonaChr skrev:1 år siden i dag:

phpBB [video]
En af de bedste dage i mit liv.. Sad sammen med min far og så den kamp.. Vi ser ikke ret tit fodbold sammen.. Så det betød en hel del..

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jun 07, 2016 12:08 am
af FCBarcelonaChr
Michman skrev:
FCBarcelonaChr skrev:1 år siden i dag:

phpBB [video]
En af de bedste dage i mit liv.. Sad sammen med min far og så den kamp.. Vi ser ikke ret tit fodbold sammen.. Så det betød en hel del..
Ret god kamp i valgte at se sammen. :smile: Smuk kamp på mange måder og hvilken fantastisk måde Xavi sluttede sin Barça-karriere, med en Treble. Kommer helt til at savne ham. Han må godt snart komme tilbage.

Re: FC Barcelona

: tirs jun 07, 2016 1:34 pm
af FCBarcelonaChr
phpBB [video]

Re: FC Barcelona

: fre jun 10, 2016 3:16 pm
af kklaus ... rosecution

Det er altså ikke svært at finde grunde til ikke at kunne lide Bartomeu (og Rosell)...

Re: FC Barcelona

: fre jun 10, 2016 11:16 pm
af Kubala
Rosell og co. havde jo ikke rent mel i posen. Det er latterligt, at klubben skal betale for det. Man måtte ikke sige noget dengang, da man nærmest blev irettesat.

Re: FC Barcelona

: lør jun 11, 2016 2:14 pm
af kklaus
Jordi Pascual er ikke imponeret:
Lie 1)
Neymar's signing DIDN'T cost 57,1M€ (and end point).
Lie 2)
Barça didn't have to secure 90M€. These 90 were Barça+Rosell+Bartomeu
Lie 3)
Neymar received 40M€ in wages BEFORE starting to play (And it's not a fault of the kid, it must be clear).
Lie 4)
"Everything has been done well". Lie. 2 reconigzed tax crimes say otherwise.
Lie 5)
The deal is good for Barça. NO. The prestige of the institution is at rock bottom.
Lie 6)
The deal is good for Barça. NO. The Club (we, the socis), must pay for the messes of others.
Lie 7)
The "organizers" of the party are free. And they carry the dead to the Club (to us, the socis).
Lie 8)
The role of some media, manipulating information, is unworthy.
Lie 9)
The role of the "opposition", with the exception of Laporta, is also for taking a look around themselves.
Lie 10)
Right now, Barça is a kidnapped club. There is no possibiliy for a non-confidence vote.
Lie 11)
Neither "black hand", nor persecution, nor anything. The fault is ours. We voted what we voted.
Lie 12)
The trident and the treble. They cover it all. At managing level and at sporting level.
Lie 13)
The big signings (which are not made, because... Is not there money???? Don't they know who to sign???)
& Lie 14)
Grassroots. "La Masia is not to be touched". Exactly. No one is promoted and staying. There is something that we do badly, right?

Re: FC Barcelona

: søn jun 12, 2016 3:36 pm
af Dahl
Hvis Bartomeu vælger at indgå forlig, så skal han ifølge en lov fratages hans medlemsskab - hvilket så vil resultere i et nyt præsidentvalg.

Re: FC Barcelona

: søn jun 12, 2016 4:30 pm
af Piquénbauer

Re: FC Barcelona

: søn jun 12, 2016 8:45 pm
af Dahl
Piquénbauer skrev:Kilde?

Om det er rigtigt, det skal jeg selvfølgelig ikke kunne sige.

Re: FC Barcelona

: søn jun 12, 2016 10:58 pm
af whidgee
At indgå forlig i en sag behøver nødvendigvis ikke at have noget gøre med, om man er skyldig eller ej. Det kan lige så godt være for at skåne Neymar og klubben for en lang retssag, som ville kunne fjerne fokus i den nye sæson.